donderdag 28 december 2017

The Sacred Door Trail

Changing spiritual perceptions and attitude towards our environment, landscape and nature lead to a multitude of ways to relate to the outdoors.
New locations are becoming places of pilgrimage (both traditional religious or new age spiritual, and there are many other reasons to make a 'pilgrimage' (like film based, dark tourism, etc.)

This item is on the Sacred Door Trail, an interfaith pilgrimage route in Montana, USA. A little more than 5 years old, about 165 miles long. A circular route like the Shikoku in Japan.

So, let me be your guide in introducing you to the Sacred Door Trail.

Video Let's start with an introduction video (2:41) by the founder Weston Pew

 (click text above for video)

Text with video: "The Sacred Door Trail is a 175-mile interfaith pilgrimage trail in southwestern Montana dedicated to Spiritual Unity, Peace and our connection to Earth and Community. It is comprised of pre-existing National Forest Service trails, which form a loop that explores some of the most beautiful mountains, valleys, lakes and rivers in the United States. The trail serves as a bridge connecting us to our original church, our original temple ~ Mother Earth. 

On June 28-30th of 2012 people from diverse belief systems, cultures and lineages gathered together to offer blessings from many different traditions, thereby establishing the land and trail as a shared sacred space. The trail is a celebration of our rich spiritual diversity as humans, but more importantly, it honors the spirit that unifies all things, thereby turning the many into One. 

In hiking The Sacred Door Trail you not only carry your own prayers but the prayers of the world and all life upon your shoulders."

Article Only recently (May 2017) the Backpacker magazine published
"Sacred Door Trail Hike" by Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan.

 "A piece about a woman trying to overcome the pain of a breakup, navigate her emotions and find peace on the Sacred Door Trail."

Brochure Curious?


Online The Trail has it's own website and Facebook page.

Blog A blog entry by Weston Pew in Huffington Post (2013)Sacred Activism: The Key to Religious Survival in the Age of SBNRs.

See also In 2015 I introduced you to some other interesting (new and older) trails on Pilgrimage and Place.
One of them being the Walk of Wisdom in The Netherlands, also a route of contemplation.

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