Does the Slow Movement ring a bell?
This item is on the slow movement, slow travel inclusive an iconic landscape travel TV, mindfull slow movement...
This item is on the slow movement, slow travel inclusive an iconic landscape travel TV, mindfull slow movement...
This movement started with slow food ,
but rapidly expanded in many other cultural fields, including slow travel.
Well, by now you perhaps know I'm studying aspects of pilgrimage, landscape, movement and experience. So, I want to guide your attention on a spin-off. The nice concept of slow travel or slow tourism as an example of performed transmodernity. A concept related to backpacking, eco-tourism and volunteer tourism. A concept related to pilgrim/tourist traveling.
Encountering a new lifestyle.
Here are a few pointers...
Wikipedia: "The slow movement advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace. It began with Carlo Petrini's protest against the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome in 1986 that sparked the creation of the slow food movement. Over time, this developed into a subculture in other areas, like the Cittaslow organisation for "slow cities". The "slow" epithet has subsequently been applied to a variety of activities and aspects of culture."
Ted presentation by
Carl Honore: In praise of slowness
"Slow travel is about making conscious choices, and not letting the anticipation of arrival undermine the pleasure of the journey. By choosing to travel slowly, we reshape our relationship with place and with the communities through which we pass on our journeys. In 2009 we launched our 'Manifesto for slow travel'."
See full manifest on:
More on slow travel
Carl Honoré, journalist and author of In Praise of Slowness, talking about Slow Travel
Carl Honore
Slow Travel,
presentation from Verena Erin
SLOW - A short film about van life- English version
Because life’s too short to live too fast.
Directed by: Marta Tibau and Marià Miño"
Mmviatges - Furgo en ruta
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